Reading is a solitary journey that connects us to others’ minds.

Limited edition NFT eBooks binds this connection into the blockchain and creates new opportunities for authors and their fans.

Where minds connect, communities organize, clubs form, and history gets made.


A special, signed NFT ebook becomes a membership token that not only connects you to the author’s community, but secures your ownership of a limited edition piece of cover art created to represent a cherished storytelling memory.

People buy NFTs for myriad reasons.

Some love the ethos of the decentralized economy and the new ability to more directly and easily support artists, project teams, and now authors. Some want to share in the creators journey. Some are speculating, looking for a quick profit. And some like the thrill that comes with novel experiences and riding the cutting edge.


Ready to take the next step?

We’re just getting started, on-boarding our first authors and polishing the experience. We’re looking for new authors and actively hunting out ways we can better help authors and fans connect, share passions, invest, and catch the next NFT wave.