OnChain Books™ — the intersection of reading, writing, and web3.
We bring collecting rare, signed books into the digital age.
The Team.
It started with two author/entrepreneurs, GR Cooper, and (Kevin Higgins) chatting in an NFT Discord. Add a few talented web and blockchain engineers, a liberal sprinkling of imagination, a road map, and a pinch of salt, and onChain Books was born.
The Dream.
It began with two questions:
1) Why must the mass migration to ebooks require collectors to give up the thrill of finding and owning a signed edition of a favorite book? And,
2) Can the blockchain empower authors to do two remarkable things: Connect more closely with their fans and (finally!) generate royalties from secondary-market book sales?
The Plan — a road map.
Smart ventures test the waters. They tap into pent-up demand to provide a service. That’s where we are now.
Then listen to our early adopters. Listen to authors. Provide what they want and their understanding of the NFT space develops and they get a chance to imagine the possibilities.
After all, isn’t that what authors do best?
Then build. Extend. Provide.
And go from there.